The massive doors of the ALICE experiment magnet had been open since the beginning of 2019 to allow for major detector upgrades. The delicate operation of the closing of the doors took place at the end of July 2021. The magnets (solenoid and dipole) were then ramped up to allow the first re-commissioning test under magnetic field.
(Image: CERN)
Artist Rasheedah Phillips, of the collective Black Quantum Futurism is the winner of the Collide residency award completing a two-month residency at CERN. Black Quantum Futurism won the 2020 Collide Residency Award for their residency proposal CPT Symmetry and Violations.
(Image: CERN)
Installation of the A-side of the FIT (Fast Interaction Trigger) detector in the ALICE cavern during LS2 (June 2021).
(Image: CERN)
ALICE ITS Inner Barrel installation
(Image: CERN)
Installation of the Outer Barrel of the new silicon Inner Tracking System of ALICE inside the solenoidal magnet.
(Image: CERN)
Installation of the Outer Barrel (OB) of the new Inner Tracking System (ITS) in the ALICE detector at Point 2 during LS2.
(Image: CERN)
ALICE experiment in time-lapse photography mode.
(Image: CERN)